What If....
What If...
We were not afraid to listen, accept, and follow our heart's desires? To bravely move into the direction our heart is calling us with confidence, trust, and faith that everything will be okay. To allow and accept the blissful, loving feelings that come to us out of the blue, maybe from a song, smell, or scenery as a reminder of what we might be missing or need more of.
What If.....
We listened to the soft whisper that there is something more for us? That this life we have created thus far might not be it all. If we allowed ourselves to bask in the feelings and the knowing that something is calling us forward. So we get curious and spend some time going within getting in touch with our soul.
What If....
We have taught ourselves the practice of forgiveness so well that we see every opportunity to be disturbed as a choice to send healing energy to the one that is triggering us. We become so in tuned when we judge another that we quickly choose again releasing them and ourselves from negative energy.
What If....
We slowed down enough to really be present with the pleasant sounds, views, smells, and tastes that are a gift to enjoy on the journey. To decide to see the beauty and magic all around us instead of drifting back into negative stories. To make the effort to travel and explore where we feel compelled to go.
What if...
We kissed a little longer? We hugged a little stronger? We loved a little deeper? We weren't afraid to express ourselves and share our heart's most intimate feelings and desires to those we love without holding back.
What If...
We trusted our intuition instead of expecting someone to save us from our problems, aliments, or dis-ease? To decide to be our own health advocate and biggest cheerleader. To give ourselves the love and attention that no one could ever give us quite like we can give ourselves. To love ourselves so completely that it flows onto those we choose to share it with.
What If....
We woke up and really LIVED? We woke up and really LOVED?
What kind of world could this be, after all?