A Divine Message

Your sole purpose here on earth is to remember who you are and why you came here. To awaken from being asleep. To heal from the amnesia, you were given at birth and to start lifting the layers that have been covering the truth of who you truly are, pure love and light. We are all love and light inside where the Divine resides. The world has taught us to be and act a certain way that is from a low vibrational energy field, based on fear, guilt, shame, and insecurities. It has taught us to accept what is only acceptable to the "others" and to do what you should do in order to "fit in" and not ruffle any feathers. Some of us receive wake up calls in the form of an illness or trauma that starts us on this journey of remembrance. It is a very slow and messy process because it is easy to fall back into old habits and programming from the past. However, once we start waking up, the Universe will start sending us more signs and synchronicities for continuous elevation. You will start to really change and what used to be acceptable to you before will no longer be tolerated. You will speak up for yourself, let go of people and places that no longer align with who you are and where you are headed. A lot of emotions will come up and need to be looked at. Welcome them and let them come up to be accepted, surrendered, and released. It is the blissful, joyful feelings that you want to keep and evoke more of. Going within and allowing love to fill your entire being and lead you home is a life practice that is the highest level of this game of life. It is about rising and releasing on your way up. The world is full of low frequency vibrations, which are there to give you a challenge to test you and teach you all that is not of love or from God/Source. Anything that does not feel good is not our true state of being but is there to teach us what we don't want and to push us to seek the truth, to question everything and everyone until we begin to trust and believe what our intuition is trying to tell us. We begin to hear and feel our soul speak to us.

The journey home is not only for some people. This is the game that we are all playing while living here on earth. If you are reading this message, then you are ready to take the leap. You were drawn to this post because you are starting to remember. Something inside nudged you to read on.

Therefore, I encourage you to start with some daily quiet time, which includes about 20-30 minutes each day just focusing on your breathing and all the beauty all around you. Try to quiet the mind and just continue to focus only on each breathe going in and out. Eventually, ask the Divine what is it that you need to know, what is it that you need to see, and what is it that you need to do. You will gently be guided. Remember, that you can easily fall back to old habits and programming if you don't keep this practice going.  You must stay curious and open to receive more wisdom and direction. This is not supposed to be easy, but it is the most important thing you will ever do. Your relationship with God/Source/Universe/Divine (whichever name you prefer) is the most important relationship you will ever have or need. 

So, now that you have read this, the seed has been planted. Go and live your truth. I am here as your friend, as your guide to love you as my brother and sister.

You are the brilliant butterfly.

Love & Light,



What If....